Abstract Topics

Abstract Topics

Main topic  Clinics 
Subtopic BNCT-Clinics
Subtopic Challenging clinical scenario: Why or why not particle therapy
Subtopic Clinical implementation of adaptive particle therapy
Subtopic Combined particle therapy with novel systemic therapy: efficacy and toxicities
Subtopic Comparative effectiveness and cost-effectives analysis
Subtopic General clinical results and patient reported outcome
Subtopic LET and variable RBE based particle therapy
Subtopic Long-term complications and image changes after particle therapy
Subtopic Novel treatment strategies using particle therapy
Subtopic Ocular treatment – clinics aspects
Subtopic Particle therapy -based stereotactic radiotherapy and hypo-fractionated radiotherapy
Subtopic Particle therapy-based re-irradiation
Main topic  Physics 
Subtopic Beam delivery and nozzle design
Subtopic BNCT-Physics
Subtopic Dosimetry
Subtopic Imaging
Subtopic Motion management and adaptive therapy
Subtopic New approaches (e.g. ultra-high dose rate, spatially fractionated therapy)
Subtopic Ocular treatment – physics aspects
Subtopic Outcome modelling
Subtopic Quality assurance
Subtopic Treatment planning – algorithms and methods
Subtopic Treatment planning – applications
Main topic  Biology 
Subtopic Biological advantages of CPRT vs XRT
Subtopic Biomarkers of CPRT response
Subtopic BNCT-Biology
Subtopic FLASH and mini-beam biology
Subtopic Immune therapy with CPRT
Subtopic Integrating biology in treatment planning: RBE and beyond
Subtopic Mathematical modeling & simulations of charged particle radiotherapy
Subtopic Targeted agents with CPRT